Thursday, September 18, 2008

Princeton Public's blog

Library Lounge

This blog is from the Princeton Public Library. PPL is a great public library that has successfully made itself into a community hangout. One of the ways it’s done this is through this blog, which acts as a bulletin board for information about library events. The blog also has reviews of new publications. Since I’ve been in the MLIS program at Rutgers (almost 3 years!) I’ve been compiling a list of books I want to read when I’m through with school and have some spare time. Much of what I’ve got is based on library blogs. And this one in particular. Check out the review for “Bridge of Sighs”—it made my list.

Additionally this blog has an open feel, making it easy to navigate. The blog posts are archived by month and searchable. The blog also allows for subscribing via rss for those truly interested in the most recent updates, which often provide information on noteworthy events such as author events or performance art.


Renee said...

Hi Roel,
I agree with your comments, PPL's blog seems ideal for community building. I'm a big fan of book review blogs, great idea to plug programs in between and offer RSS. I also like that they have a sense of humor (see their What not to read post). I would have liked to see an "about" page for the contributors - are they librarians, other employees and/or patrons? It wasn't clear to me.

MichelleW said...

Your post made me laugh. I too have a list of books I want to read when school is done...someday (heavy sigh). I've never checked out the PL blog so thanks for the info and introduction. It's definitely seems to grab the attention of the locals. I get the sense PL is a well-funded library (?) but alas that's a whole other topic...