Sunday, October 26, 2008

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

My educational experience at SCILS has been an adventure, never boring and challenging to say the least. I began the program in January of 2006 and I’m approaching the finish line. I’ve been working in digital libraries for some time, 14 years now, and while I knew much about library issues it was truly remarkable how much I didn’t know. I’ve never worked a reference desk so reference was an eye-opener. I don’t do descriptive cataloging so that class was both fascinating and frustrating. I truly hope that AACR2 meets a heinous and disfiguring end.

I’ve appreciated the opportunity to take my classes online. This is a double edged sword though—I regret not being able to spend time in class and discuss topics more thoroughly with my professors. I loved doing homework and listening to lectures from the comfort of my home. I regret not being able to connect more with classmates. I loved the freedom to set my own schedule. I regret not being more disciplined in my schedule.

So here are a few recommendations to those considering the Rutgers program or any other library studies program. I’ve worked full-time during my time in SCILS and it has made for incredibly hectic semesters. My hat is off to those who work full-time, are parents and spouses AND are in the program. Sleep is over rated anyway. So my advice is that if you have the opportunity and desire to go to library school before beginning a career, take advantage.

Another piece of advice--have a sense of humor. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

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