Sunday, October 5, 2008

Information exce(r)ss

I think like most good things, moderation is key. So does RRS contribute to information overload? It certainly can. I use it to subscribe only to what I want to keep track of and of those things, I don’t keep up to the minute with every update. I use my aggregator as a convenient way to visit multiple information sources but I’m not addicted to information.

However there are some out there who are. For these people, I think RSS and aggregators are the crack pipes of information intake. Certainly the technology is useful but I think sometimes that just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. RSS gives us the ability to acquire information quickly and conveniently, but how good is the information? The web is filled with dubious information sources, sites with repugnant ideologies and criminal activities. Unfortunately RSS benefits visitors of these sites too. There’s always a caveat.

1 comment:

Renee said...

"I think RSS and aggregators are the crack pipes of information intake" LMAO. That is beautiful. And, sadly, on the mark. I can't get past the figures Meredith Farkas was quoting in the podcast: 150 feeds? 500 feeds? Who has the time? And what is the value of collecting all of that information? No one has the time to read all of that. And the fact that it is sitting there unread would just add to my exponentially expanding "to do" list and accompanying stress level.

IMHO, the real value of RSS is dependent upon its discriminating use.