Saturday, October 11, 2008


Like Delicious, Slashdot is a social bookmarking site but incorporates the ability to submit stories you’ve written. The site seems to aim itself at “nerds” though its popularity has made it a site for all. Or maybe you earn a “nerd” merit badge just by being a subscriber. As a browser, the site is much simpler to use, with subject headings taking the reader directly to posts of stories on certain subjects—technology, books, science, etc. Personally I find this site a much more technical than Delicious, also a bit more confusing to use. Want to see your bookmarks? Click on “Firehose”. Want to see your tags? Click on “bookmarks”. The page to add bookmarks was not readily obvious, nor was the page to add stories. Getting the impression that Slashdot bugs me?

OK the journal aspect of Slashdot is interesting. Subscribers may journal with the option to either “publish” or not—that is, make your journal posts available for all Slashdot readers or to keep them private. This feature gives the impression that Slashdot is trying to be everything—social bookmarking site, blogging site and nerd nirvana.


Tamara said...

Although I would love to earn my nerd merit badge, I think I will skip this site! There are so many sites out there competing for the same audience that a site that is confusing just wont survive, so really why waste the time to get involved with an inferior product!

NBC Music Library said...

Definitely sounds like this is one that I'll skip...given your review, it sounds a bit confusing, and very un-intuitive. I'll stick to the over simplistic ways of delicious!