Sunday, November 2, 2008

To Blog or to Podcast

While there are many cool aspects of podcasting it turns out it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do. Find a podcast hosting site, upload, then blog and paste in code…it seems like podcasting is for the very dedicated. Or maybe the very vain. Or maybe a professional information disseminator. While podcasting is a very cool experience I found myself recording and re-recording my stuff and still I don’t think it’s perfect. And by now it’s cliché, but I’m thoroughly disoriented by the sound of my own voice.

Whereas with blogging, there’s still a bit of anonymity. Admit it folks, you were wondering what your classmates sounded like so you’ve been listening to their stories, making value judgments based on how articulate they are, the tenor of their voice, their elocution. Or was that just me? Sorry, my bad. Blogging provides one less level of exposure. At least when I blog folks can only say to themselves “that was total crap.” But If I podcast folks would have the option to add “and he sounds like a dork.”

From a practicality standpoint, I think blogging is fast, easy and more manageable. If you spot an error in your blog it can quickly be corrected but if you want to edit a podcast the entire podcast must be recorded. I also think blogging is more of an amateur arena. You don’t have to be a professional writer to post interesting ideas or stories but those interesting ideas or stories may be mitigated or even disregarded because of the annoying nervous giggle you develop when you speak into a microphone. At this point I think I’ll leave the podcasting to the professional voices out there.

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

fyi, you totally didn't sound like a dork :-)